You’re viewing Modrinth’s staging environment.
The staging environment is completely separate from the production Modrinth database. This is used for testing and debugging purposes, and may be running in-development versions of the Modrinth backend or frontend newer than the production instance.


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February Release

February 10, 2025


  • You can now search and filter through your server's console in the Overview tab, jump to specific results to see the log in context, select them, and copy them.
  • You can now drag and select any number of lines in the console, copy them. and view them formatted.
  • Hide your server's .modrinth.gg custom URL using the new Hide subdomain label toggle in Options > Preferences.
  • The Content page has been updated to make managing your server's mods and plugins easier than ever. Now, only versions that are available for your server's Minecraft version and platform are shown by default, and you can now show beta and alpha versions in the selector.


  • The Overview page loads faster.
  • The Options > Properties page loads faster.
  • The server hardware graphs in the Overview page have been rewritten to improve power efficiency and fix rendering bugs.
  • The modpack selector in Options > Platform now shows more information about a modpack, like its tags, downloads, and followers.
  • Reinstalling your server no longer requires the browser to refresh the page in order to work properly. We now also lock more options while a server installs to prevent your server from bricking itself.
  • The server console has been rewritten to implement proper batching. All performance issues with the console previously have now been fixed.
  • An error state has been added in the server list if servers are unable to be fetched.
  • Sorting in the Files tab is now accessible by clicking the column headers.
  • Backing up a server and erasing all its data simultaneously in the Platform page now works as expected.
  • Opening a platform modal, then opening another, no longer causes versions of that platform to fail to load.